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Flutter Tip - 유용한 vscode extension
Flutter 코딩시 유용한 툴들을 정리해봅니다.
Snippet은 조각이란 뜻입니다.
잘 정돈되어 있는 코드 조각을 키워드 몇 자 넣으면 정돈된 코드를 작성해줍니다.
저처럼 손 느리고 암기력 딸리는 분들에게 필요한 기능입니다.
이런 류의 익스텐션은 해당 언어(.dart) 파일에서만 작동하니 과도한 익스텐션 설치로 난잡해지는 것을 걱정할 필요는 없습니다.
Awesome Flutter Snippets
현재 플러터 최고의 스니펫 익스텐션입니다.
플러터 코딩시 제일 짜증나는 부분이 Stateful 클래스 작성하는 부분인데 키워드 s만 넣어도 복잡한 클래스가 자동으로 생성됩니다.
만들어진 클래스의 이름을 변경하면 관련 내용이 전부 변경되는 부분이 압권입니다.
그림의 abcde 문자열이 무려 6개나 변경되는 것을 볼 수 있습니다.
항상 느끼지만.. 다트는 신생 언어 치고는 너무 올드한 것 같습니다.
from 19.12.11
Shortcut | Expanded | Description |
statelessW |
Stateless Widget | Creates a Stateless widget |
statefulW |
Stateful Widget | Creates a Stateful widget |
build |
Build Method | Describes the part of the user interface represented by the widget. |
initS |
InitState | Called when this object is inserted into the tree. The framework will call this method exactly once for each State object it creates. |
dis |
Dispose | Called when this object is removed from the tree permanently. The framework calls this method when this State object will never build again. |
reassemble |
Reassemble | Called whenever the application is reassembled during debugging, for example during hot reload. |
didChangeD |
didChangeDependencies | Called when a dependency of this State object changes |
didUpdateW |
didUpdateWidget | Called whenever the widget configuration changes. |
customClipper |
Custom Clipper | Used for creating custom shapes |
customPainter |
Custom Painter | Used for creating custom paint |
listViewB |
ListView.Builder | Creates a scrollable, linear array of widgets that are created on demand.Providing a non-null itemCount improves the ability of the ListView to estimate the maximum scroll extent. |
customScrollV |
Custom ScrollView | Creates a ScrollView that creates custom scroll effects using slivers. If the primary argument is true, the controller must be null. |
streamBldr |
Stream Builder | Creates a new StreamBuilder that builds itself based on the latest snapshot of interaction with the specified stream |
animatedBldr |
Animated Builder | Creates an Animated Builder. The widget specified to child is passed to the builder |
statefulBldr |
Stateful Builder | Creates a widget that both has state and delegates its build to a callback. Useful for rebuilding specific sections of the widget tree. |
orientationBldr |
Orientation Builder | Creates a builder which allows for the orientation of the device to be specified and referenced |
layoutBldr |
Layout Builder | Similar to the Builder widget except that the framework calls the builder function at layout time and provides the parent widget’s constraints. |
singleChildSV |
Single Child Scroll View | Creates a scroll view with a single child |
futureBldr |
Future Builder | Creates a Future Builder. This builds itself based on the latest snapshot of interaction with a Future. |
nosm |
No Such Method | This method is invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed. |
inheritedW |
Inherited Widget | Class used to propagate information down the widget tree. |
mounted |
Mounted | Whether this State object is currently in a tree. |
snk |
Sink | A Sink is the input of a stream. |
strm |
Stream | A source of asynchronous data events. A stream can be of any data type. |
subj |
Subject | A BehaviorSubject is also a broadcast StreamController which returns an Observable rather than a Stream. |
toStr |
To String | Returns a string representation of this object. |
debugP |
Debug Print | Prints a message to the console, which you can access using the flutter tool’s logs command (flutter logs). |
importM |
Material Package | Import Material package. |
importC |
Cupertino Package | Import Cupertino package. |
mateapp |
Material App | Create a new Material App. |
cupeapp |
Cupertino Package | Create a New Cupertino App. |
tweenAnimationBuilder |
Tween Animation Builder | Widget builder that animates a property of a Widget to a target value whenever the target value changes. |
valueListenableBuilder |
Value Listenable Builder | Given a ValueListenable |
Flutter Widget Snippets
Awesome Flutter Snippets과 비슷합니다..
주로 위젯 스니펫들이 모여있습니다.
f 만 입력하면 적당한 코드가 생성됩니다.
Flutter related snippets
Snippet | Description |
fscaff |
Scaffold widget snippet |
fstfulapp |
StatefulWidget snippet App |
fstless |
StatelessWidget snippet |
fedgall |
EdgeInsets widget snippet with named constructor all |
fedgonly |
EdgeInsets widget snippet with named constructor only |
ftxt |
Text widget snippet |
finitlf |
Flutter initState lifecycle method snippet |
fic |
Flutter Icon widget snippet |
fcont |
Flutter Container widget snippet |
fcent |
Flutter Center widget snippet |
frow |
Flutter Row widget snippet |
fcol |
Flutter Column widget snippet |
fex |
Expand widget snippet |
fszbw |
SizedBox widget snippet with just width argument |
fszbh |
SizedBox widget snippet with just height argument |
fszb |
SizedBox widget with width and height arguments |
fedgsym |
EdgeInsets widget with named constructor symmetric |
fedgsymv |
EdgeInsets widget with named constructor symmetric with vertical parameter |
fedgsymh |
EdgeInsets widget with named constructor symmetric with horizontal parameter |
fimpmat |
Add material’s package import statement |
fstream |
Display a StreamBuilder widget |
Dart related snippets
Snippet | Description |
dvar |
Dart variable declaration using var |
dfinal |
Dart variable declaration using final |
dconst |
Dart variable declaration using const |
dinvar |
Dart Public Instance variable snippet |
dprinvar |
Dart Private instance variable snippet |
dmt |
Dart public method snippet |
dprmt |
Dart private method snippet |
darr |
Dart public arrow function snippet |
dprarr |
Dart private arrow function snippet |
dopnctor |
Dart optional named parameters constructor snippet |
dlist |
Dart List collection snippet |
dmap |
Dart Map collection snippet |
dset |
Dart Set collection snippet |
dgetarr |
Dart arrow function getter snippet |
dimpas |
Dart import as snippet |
dimpshow |
Dart import show snippet |
dimplazy |
Dart import deffered as snippet |
dimphide |
Dart import hide snippet |
dexhide |
Dart export hide snippet |
dexshow |
Dart export show snippet |
dconvert |
Dart convert lib import snippet |